Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

To help people grow life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.


Our Values

These Value statements describe the core beliefs that shape how we function.

  1. The Gospel - Every person has a right to a presentation of the gospel at his or her level of understanding.
  2. The Word of God - Every person needs a moral compass to guide and protect him or her throughout life - The Word of God is sufficient for that purpose.
  3. The Body of Christ - Every believer has unique gifts to be developed and used to strengthen the church.
  4. The Global Mission of the Church - Every believer has a purpose in advancing the global mission of the Church of Jesus Christ.
  5. Unity in the Body/Church - We value unity in the operation of the body of Christ.  We believe that unity is accomplished by the Holy Spirit of God and is manifested through the outworking of the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit.
  6. Involvement in the Church - We value the full participation of members according to their individual giftedness and maturity.
  7. Celebration in the Church - We value the celebration of God in worship.
  8. The Church in the Community - We value appropriate involvement in community issues.
  9. Giving to and by the Church - We value compassionate and generous giving of natural and spiritual resources both individually and collectively.
  10. Prayer - We value prayer as a divine resource for maintaining individual fellowship with Jesus Christ and empowerment for service, and as a God-ordained means of accessing the power of God.


Essential Functions 

These statements describe what we believe we must do to accomplish our vision:

  1. Worship is the celebration of the nature and purpose of God that results in holiness and service.
  2. Discipleship is helping believers mature and become functioning members of the local church.
  3. Evangelism/Missions is sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost so that they come to salvation by faith.
  4. Ministry is meeting others needs in the name of Jesus Christ.
  5. Fellowship is sharing fully in the community of believers through giving and receiving spiritual and natural support.